Gönül İşleri (English Title: Affairs Of The Heart) is a Turkish television series produced by TMC Film and directed by Türkan Derya and broadcast on Star TV between 2014 and 2015. Theseries,starring Bennu Yıldırımlar , Sinem Kobal , Selma Ergeç , Timuçin Esen and Fırat Çelik , came to an end with the 28th episode aired on April 26, 2015.
Gönül İşleri Synopsis
It’s about 3 sisters and their father who live together after their mother left them. They want to get married but so many things happen and change their life.
Bennu Yildirimlar | Servet |
Sinem Kobal | Sevda |
Selma Ergeç | Saadet |
Timuçin Esen | Yilmaz |
Firat Çelik | Asrin |
Where to watch
Turkish Language
English Subtitles
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