Üç Kuruş (English Title: The Bad Penny) is a Turkish-made television series in the action, drama, and detective genre, directed by Sinan Öztürk and written by Murat Uyurkulak and Damla Serim, the first episode of which was broadcast on November 1, 2021, signed by Ay Yapım. The leading roles areshared by Uraz Kaygılaroğlu, Ekin Koç and Diren Polatoğulları.
Üç Kurus Synopsis
The chase between the mafia leader Kartal (Uraz Kaygılaroğlu), who is the “protector” of Çıngıraklı, and Efe (Ekin Koç), the intrepid commissioner of the Organized Bureau, turns upside down with a murder case. The paths they take to catch the murderer will lead them to a name they will never guess.
Üç Kurus All Episode Summary
Uraz Kaygilaroglu | Kartal |
Ekin Koç | Efe |
Diren Polatogullari | Irfan |
Nesrin Cavadzade | Bahar |
Aslihan Malbora | Leyla |
Where to watch
Turkish Language
English Subtitles
Various Websites are Translating this series in English subtitles. Below are the links to the site.
ALAHindi | Promix Tv | TurkFans | Turkish123