Hayat Devam Ediyor (English Title: Life Goes On) directed by Mahsun Kırmızıgül and written by Fikret Kuşkan, Arif Erkin Güzelbeyoğlu, Meltem Miraloğlu, Şenay Gürler, Rana Cabbar, Rozet Hubeş, Onur Tuna, Neslihan Atagül, Sera Tokdemir is adrama television seriesshared by Serkan Şenalp, Ali Barkın and Çağla Şimşek,which was broadcast on ATV between 2011-2013.
Hayat Devam Ediyor Synopsis
Ismail has four children from Kudret who are forcibly married. He has three children from Cennet. Ismail is no longer making any money and decided to immigrate to Istanbul with the support of his son Sirac and his daughter Zeliha. Meanwhile, the middle-aged daughter of the family lives loves secretly with Kerem, the son of one of the oldest families in the region. Youth excitement and love of fire cause both to make mistakes and Kerem and Hayat get together before they get married.
Fikret Kuskan | Ismail Bakirci |
Senay Gürler | Cennet Zeybek |
Arif Erkin Güzelbeyoglu | Ibrahim Bakirci |
Rozet Hubes | Kudret Bakirci |
Neslihan Atagül | Sirin |
Where to watch
Turkish Language
English Subtitles
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