Hıyanet Sarmalı (English Title: Spiral Of Betrayal) is a Turkish television series directed by Taner Tunç and starring Ali Başar, Emre Taşkıran and Cem Uçan. It ended on June 25, 2014 by making a final.
Original Title: | Hiyanet Sarmali |
English Title: | Spiral Of Betrayal |
Genre: | Action, Drama |
Broadcast Network: | Samanyolu TV |
Director: | Taner Tunç |
Writer: | Serkan Birlik, Ahmet Tezcan |
Total Episodes: | 35 |
Hiyanet Sarmali Synopsis
Kartal, explaining that the poor but happy homes of Hamza, the father, who carries the bravery of Anatolia, their mother Şirin, Ferhat, the eldest child of the family, Ayaz, who is in the prime of his life, and the smurf of the worlds, cimcime Beyaz; “But this happiness will not last long. The path of that beautiful family will cross with Major Kılıç one day and they will taste a completely different world. Kılıç is an officer who lives for his ambitions and will do anything to rise.
For this, he has darkened his eyes and does not hesitate to throw even his favorite ones into the fire. and one of those steps he took in order to rise, one day passes by stepping on the Günyol family and tearing it to pieces.
Cast of Hiyanet Sarmali
Mike van der Lee as Igor
Ali Basar as Kiliç Daghan
Emre Taskiran as Ayaz
Cem Uçan as Ferhat
Where to watch
Turkish Language
English Subtitles
Various Websites are Translating this series in English subtitles. Below are the links to the site.
AskLaftanAnlamazinHindi | TurkishFam | Osnsub | Kinemania