İçimizdeki Ateş (Fire Within Us) Synopsis and Cast

İçimizdeki Ateş (English title: Fire Within Us) is a Turkish television series signed by Fabrika Yapım. The series is directed by Murat Onbul and is written by Nimet Erdem, Birol Elginöz and Özlem Elginöz. It will be broadcasted on ATV. Atakan Hoşgören, İpek Filiz Yazıcı, Burak Sevinç and Ceren Benderlioğlu are in the lead roles.

Original Title:İçimizdeki Ateş
English Title:Fire Within Us
Broadcast Network:ATV
Director:Murat Onbul
Producer:Öner Arslanel
Writer:Nimet Erdem, Birol Elginöz, Özlem Elginöz
Cinematography:Burak Demirdelen
Release Date:23rd June 2022

İçimizdeki Ateş Synopsis

The story of four strong, intelligent, ambitious, and successful young people who took their first steps in the business world to hold on to life and reach their dreams.

Mert, Bahar, Hale, and Ege, young lawyer candidates who graduated from the faculty of law, pass through difficult eliminations and start their internship with Famous Lawyer Doğan Yener and his wife Tülin Tan. They must stay out of trouble during the internship. While life tests them with all kinds of obstacles on this journey, we will see together the adventures of reaching their goals with the guidance of Doğan and Tülin and what they will gain and give up on this path.

Watch İçimizdeki Ateş All Episode

İçimizdeki Ateş All Episode Summary

İçimizdeki Ateş Cast

Burak Sevinç - Doğan Yener

Burak Sevinç – Doğan Yener

Doğan Yener is a determined, idealistic lawyer. It is almost impossible to upset, offend, or threaten him. He gets angry very quickly but forgives quickly. He has no tolerance for waiting, mistakes, or lies. Doğan, who can produce practical solutions and has a quick mind, has a very high justice motive. He is egalitarian and has a leading spirit. No one can buy it, he never hesitates to ask all the accounts that justice and law can ask.

Ceren Benderlioğlu - Tülin Tan

Ceren Benderlioğlu – Tülin Tan

Tülin Tan is a reliable, strong woman lawyer who can go on endless journeys with people whom no one can buy, but who can go on endless journeys without looking back with a small incident that will break that trust. The only person she hasn’t gone to is Doğan. She stepped into life with him, saw love, and fought for justice together.

İpek Filiz Yazıcı - Hale Vural

İpek Filiz Yazıcı – Hale Vural

23 years old. Quick thinking, successful in crisis management, intelligent, outspoken, competitive strong. She loves solitude, Hale is the woman who runs with the wolves. With the fire and rebellious nature of her youth, she has the courage to rebel against her stepfather Tahsin. She draws people’s attention with her structure that resists limits and pressures and can resist instantly.

Atakan Hoşgören - Ege Şahin

Atakan Hoşgören – Ege Şahin

23 years old. The worker is the only child of the family. He impresses people with his practical intelligence. Flirty, gentle, Persuasive, dreamy. Although he is good with women, he has not yet fallen in love with anyone. He is not touchy and fragile, but there is a small child inside him who is afraid of being alone.

Gizem Arıkan - Bahar Sayın

Gizem Arıkan – Bahar Sayın

22 years old. Stubborn, possessive, skeptical, living life with probabilities, fair, problem solver, both mother and father of her sister Banu. She is lonely because she has no one to support her emotionally. This loneliness made her more mature than her peers. Powerful on the outside, but fragile on the inside, hides a little girl.

Demirhan Demircioğlu - Mert Karaman

Demirhan Demircioğlu – Mert Karaman

22 years old. Despite being the youngest son in a family of three, responsible, honest, and justice is his only guide. He has an analytical mind and also a good observer voice. Lover of young girls, benevolent son of grown-ups, funny brother of children. He does whatever he puts his mind to. He does not take a step back easily.

Where to watch

Turkish Language
ATV | Youtube

English Subtitles
Various Websites are Translating this series in English subtitles. Below are the links to the site.
AskLaftanAnlamazinHindi | TurkishFam | Osnsub | Kinemania

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