İçimizdeki Ateş First Teaser has been released!

A new series is getting ready to meet the audience on ATV screens. Produced by Fabrika Yapım and produced by Öner Arslanel, the TV series “İçimizdeki Ateş” is getting ready to appear in front of the audience on ATV screens soon. The first teaser of the highly anticipated series has been released.

İpek Filiz Yazıcı, Atakan Hoşgören, Gizem Arıkan, and Demirhan Demircioğlu, gave life to young lawyers with the first teaser of İçimizdeki Ateş (The Fire Within), put forward their claims; Burak Sevinç and Ceren Benderlioğlu, who played successful lawyers, also gave the first clues about the great tragedies experienced by the characters they portray.

Nimet Erdem, Birol Elginöz, and Nur Özlem Elginöz write the script of the project, which is directed by Murat Onbul.

Burak Sevinç, Ceren Benderlioğlu, İpek Filiz Yazıcı, Atakan Hoşgören, Gizem Arıkan, Demirhan Demircioğlu, Erdem in the rich cast of ‘İçinimiz Ateş,’ which will be the story of four strong, intelligent, ambitious and successful young people who took their first steps in the business world. Şanlı, Bilgesu Kural takes place.

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