Kara Yazı (English Title: Black Summer) is a drama Turkish television series, the first episode of which was broadcast on March 28, 2017. It ended with its 6th episode, which was broadcast on 7 May 2017, by making a final.
Original Title: | Kara Yazı |
English Title: | Black Summer |
Genre: | Drama |
Broadcast Network: | Kanal’D |
Director: | Neslihan Yesilyurt |
Producer: | Eylem Canpolat, Sema Ergenekon |
Writer: | Eylem Canpolat |
Cinematography: | Ahmet Bayer, Erkan Sönmez |
Total Episodes: | 6 |
Kara Yazı Synopsis
The story of Mehmet Karahan, who grew up exposed to the physical violence of his loveless father, and whose only concern is to expand his own cosmetics company and gain his father’s appreciation, and Yaren Uluçınar, whose femininity was suppressed due to his father’s obsession with honor, trying to take care of his two sisters and who has only one dream of becoming a chemistry teacher.
Emre Kinay as Halil Uluçinar
Emreya Kınay (born 5 March 1970) is a Turkish actor, he was born in Istanbul, Turkey. The actor is playing in various films and TV series who playing in communities like Dostlar Theater and Bakırköy Municipal Theaters. He is presently staging plays in the community of Duru Theater where he is the founder.
He made a name with the character who is a landlord, Erkan, playing in the series of Yılan Hikayesi. He was largely well-known with the series of İki Aile, in playing a father character who has three girls and sharing the starring role with İclal Aydın. He played a character who is a basketball coach, Cihan, in the series of Güneşi Beklerken, and then a lawyer who returns to high school after years later.
Haluk Bilginer as Oguz Karahan
Zeynep Çamci as Yaren Uluçinar
Ushan Çakir as Mehmet Karahan
Gülper Özdemir as Derya Uluçinar
Where to watch
Turkish Language
Youtube | Kanal D
English Subtitles
Not found