Uc Kiz Kardes Episode 7 is a drama Turkish television series signed by Process Film, directed by Eda Teksöz, written by Erkan Birgören and Betül Yağsagan, and will start broadcasting on Kanal D on April 5, 2022. The series is adapted from İclal Aydın’s novel of the same name.
What will happen in Uc Kiz Kardes Episode 7 English Subtitles?
The three sisters are drunk in love. They are up in the clouds. Turkan and Somer start bonding with each other.
Things get out of control for Nesrin
The question Somer asks due to an emotional outburst intrigues Turkan. She thinks that her husband has an affair and they’re expecting a baby together. When she follows her suspicions, she finds out unexpected things. Mine goes crazy since she can’t reach Somer, so, she shows up at Ruchan’s door. This visit results in a whole different series of events.
Nesrin who thinks that her daughter is happy with her marriage has other issues that have gotten out of control. She tries to understand why Derya and Donus have turned against each other. Moreover, the fact that Fatih has arrived as if nothing happened in the past reopens the old wounds and causes conflicts between relatives.
Uc Kiz Kardes Last Episode Summary
Türkan shares her problems with Somer, as she sees Mine’s closeness as a well-meaning friendship. Mine realizes that Türkan will not destroy her marriage and will fight for it, and she becomes even more jealous of Somer.
Rüçhan learned that Mine was pregnant and started to see her as a bigger danger now. Now he needs bigger moves to get him away from Somer and he takes action. This move of Rüçhan causes serious tensions between Mine and Somer.
Sadik is in trouble, losing the money he took for Fatih. Her biggest fear is that Nesrin finds out about it. On the other hand, Fatih not only corners his brother but also causes a bigger crisis in the family. The letter that Dön has written for his friend causes great tensions in his relationship with Derya and Serdar.
After the decision not to divorce, Türkan realizes that she has to fight to win Somer and continues to stand up and fight despite Rüçhan’s pressures.