Yeşilçam (English Title: Green Pine) is a period drama directed by Çağan Irmak and written by Volkan Sümbül and Levent Cantek. The series, broadcast on Turkish digital platform BluTv, is about Turkish cinema in 1960s. It stars Çağatay Ulusoy, Afra Saracoğlu and Selin Şekerci in the leading roles.
Yeşilçam Synopsis
The Series of Yesilçam (Green Pine) is about the struggle of a producer in The Greencham cinema, which began to shine amid the political and economic turmoil of the 1960s in Turkey.
Semih Ateş (Cagatay Ulusoy) is a movie-loving filmmaker who has gone bankrupt and lost everything. However, Yeşilçam began to experience its golden age at that time, and Semih Ateş struggled to rise from the ashes in this fury.
Next to Semih Ateş is Mine Cansu (Selin Şekerci), one of the favorite stars of Yesilçam at the time. On the other hand, Tülin Saygı (Afra Saraçoglu) knocks on the door of Yeşilçam to become a real artist.
Çagatay Ulusoy | Semih Ates |
Afra Saraçoglu | Tülin Saygi |
Selin Sekerci | Mine Cansu |
Yetkin Dikinciler | Reha Esmer |
Özgür Çevik | Izzet Orkan |
Where to watch
Turkish Language
English Subtitles
Various Websites are Translating this series in English subtitles. Below are the links to the site.