Eve Düşen Yıldırım − Lightning Within The House (TV Series 2012)

Eve Düşen Yıldırım (English Title: Lightning Within The House) is a Turkish romantic drama television series. The series originally aired from March 9, 2012, to October 15, 2012. It ran for two seasons on Show TV.

Eve Düşen Yıldırım Synopsis

Muazzez (Gizem Karaca) is a beautiful and young girl who loses her father and becomes all alone in this world. After her father’s death, she struggles with the difficulties in her life but she never loses her hope. She thinks that she does not have any relatives, for this reason, she tries to stand on her own legs. However, she has an uncle whom she has never met. Her uncle has been angry at Muazzez’s father for a very long time that’s why he has never seen Muazzez. When Muazzez loses her father, her uncle decides to look after her nephew and sends his older son Namik (Murat Han) to find her.

Namik explains everything to Muazzez and brings her to Istanbul. Now, Muazzez has a new life in this beautiful city. She starts to live with her uncle, her cousin Sait (Mehmetcan Mincinozlu), Namik and his wife Sayeste (Seda Akman). Muazzez’s arrival at the house changes everything immediately. Both Namik and Sait develop a crush on her. Although Namik is married to Sayeste and even though he is older than Muazzez, he cannot stand for her beauty.

On the other hand, Sait is a young and handsome boy who goes to university. He is a womanizer but he also cannot stand for Muazzez’s beauty. In the beginning, Muazzez shows no interest in neither Sait nor Namik. She calls Namik an older brother. However, as time passes, she also starts to develop a crush on Sait.


Gizem KaracaMuazzez
Seda AkmanSayeste
Murat HanNamik
Mehmetcan MincinozluSait
Suzan AksoyPerihan

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Turkish Language

English Subtitles

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