İnadına Yaşamak (English Title: To Live In Disbelief) is a Turkish television series, the first episode of which was broadcast on November 28, 2013, directed by Serdar Akar, and broadcast on Kanal D between 2013-2014. Sanem Çelik , Oktay Kaynarca and Murat Ünalmış shared thelead roles. It ended with the 6th episode aired on January 9, 2014, by making a final.
İnadına Yaşamak Synopsis
The fascinating story of the series begins with the suicide of Sedef. Sedef is married to Emir but commits suicide by skipping from skies by saying that she is in love with Ali. Upon this Emir Atasoylu will take revenge. He swears that Ali will take away everything he owns and loves.
Pelin Akil | Sedef |
Burak Demir | Bilal |
Oktay Kaynarca | Emir |
Duygu Sarisin | – |
Gonca Sariyildiz | Deniz |
Where to watch
Turkish Language
English Subtitles
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