Istanbullu Gelin − Bride from Istanbul (TV Series 2017 – 2019)

Istanbullu Gelin (English title: Bride from Istanbul)  is a 2017 Turkish television series signed by O3 Medya, whose first episode was broadcast on March 3, 2017, directed by Zeynep Günay Tan and Deniz Koloş. It ended by making a final on May 31, 2019. It is adapted from Dr. Gülseren Budayıcıoğlu’s book “Hayata Dön” (Return to Life). Faruk and Süreyya fall in.

Istanbullu Gelin Synopsis

The brilliant wait for İstanbullu Gelin (Istanbul’s bridal) line ends this evening. The Istanbul bridal series, which will be launched on Star TV in the production of O3 Media, appears against the audience this evening. The curious new series by Aslı Enver and Özcan Deniz is in Star this evening. You can find more information about the series you want to learn.

Ozcan Deniz, Aslı Enver, İpek Bilgin and Salih Bademci will share the starring role of the Istanbul’s Bridal on March 3, 2017 on the first part of the Star Tv’de starting. Zeynep Günay Tan and Deniz Koluş’ın directed by the new string Bursa with a well-rooted family will come to tell Süreyya’nın life story.

Where is İstanbullu Gelin Taken? The general shoot of the bride line of Istanbul continues in Istanbul. Between Istanbul and Bursa, filming will continue in two places during the season.

Süreyya (Aslı Enver), who has to grow up without a mother and father, is a very beautiful and proud young girl whose young life has been burdened with her life. Süreyya, who is a graduate of Conservatory, earns her life by making advertisements and vocals. Sureyya’s only humorous life, living together with Senem (Neslihan Yeldan), is forever changed by the fact that she is in love with Faruk (Özcan Deniz), a rich and charismatic businessman who has come up against an unexpected moment.

It will not be easy to accept this love for the Boran family, a well-known family of Bursa. Faruk is the dreamer of Esma (İpek Bilgin), Sultan’s most beloved son whose husband died with her four sons. She has already chosen the bride-to-be who suits herself and her roots.

Sureyya and Faruk, who are unaware of all these developments, come to give marriage news to the family in Bursa. However, this situation is a big shock for Esma Sultan who wants to be the sole judge of everyone who comes under the roof of the mansion. It is not easy to come to Esma Sultan, especially if she does not choose her own. Sureyya, who takes power from her love for Faruk, does not give up easily, wants to believe that her mother-in-law will gradually get used to her and soften her heart. However, Mrs. Esma has no intention at all to accept her.

As the events have developed, the whole family will be shaken from the mansion foundations that have been standing with all their might for almost four hundred years.


Özcan DenizFaruk Boran
Asli EnverSüreyya Boran
Ipek BilginEsma Boran
Salih BademciFikret Boran
Firat TanisAdem

Where to watch

Turkish Language
Youtube | Star Tv

English Subtitles
Various Websites are Translating this series in English subtitles. Below are the links to the site.

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